Allgemeine Informationen
Veranstaltungsname | Vorlesung: Experimente in der Umweltökonomik |
Veranstaltungsnummer | S 6771 |
Semester | SS 2024 |
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden | 4 |
Heimat-Einrichtung | Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaft |
Veranstaltungstyp | Vorlesung in der Kategorie Lehre |
Erster Termin | Montag, 08.04.2024 11:30 - 13:00, Ort: (D2-306 Seminarraum I) |
Leistungsnachweis | Theoretische Arbeit |
Literatur |
Weimann, J. (2013). Umweltökonomik: eine theorieorientierte Einführung. Springer-Verlag. Sturm, B., & Vogt, C. (2011). Umweltökonomik: eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung. Springer-Verlag. Sturm, B. (2006). Experimente in der Umweltökonomik, Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg. Beckenbach et al. (Hrsg) (2003): Jahrbuch Ökologische Ökonomik, Band 3: Psychologie und Umweltökonomik, Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg. Durlauf, S., & Blume, L. (Eds.). (2016). Behavioural and experimental economics. Springer. Zelmer, J. (2003). Linear public goods experiments: A meta-analysis. Experimental Economics, 6(3), 299-310. Vertiefende Literatur: Araña, J. E., & León, C. J. (2013). Can defaults save the climate? Evidence from a field experiment on carbon offsetting programs. Environmental and Resource Economics, 54(4), 613-626. Allcott, H. (2011). Social norms and energy conservation. Journal of Public Economics, 95(9-10), 1082-1095. Tavoni, A., Dannenberg, A., Kallis, G., & Löschel, A. (2011). Inequality, communication, and the avoidance of disastrous climate change in a public goods game. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(29), 11825-11829. Lange, A., Löschel, A., Vogt, C., & Ziegler, A. (2007). On the Self-serving Use of Equity Principles in International Climate Negotiations. European Economic Review, 54(3), 359-375. Dannenberg, A., & Gallier, C. (2020). The choice of institutions to solve cooperation problems: A survey of experimental research. Experimental Economics, 23, 716-749. Bartling, B., Valero, V., & Weber, R. (2017): On the scope of externalities in experimental markets. Experimental Economics, 22(3), 610-624. Hamman, J. R., Loewenstein, G., & Weber, R. A. (2010): Self-interest through delegation: An additional rationale for the principal-agent relationship. American Economic Review, 100(4), 1826-46. Bolle, F., & Vogel, C. (2011): Power comes with responsibility- or does it?. Public Choice, 148(3-4), 459–470. Falk, A., Neuber, T., & Szech, N. (2020): Diffusion of being pivotal and immoral outcomes. The Review of Economic Studies, 87(5), 2205-2229. Engel, J., & Szech, N. (2020): A little good is good enough: Ethical consumption, cheap excuses, and moral self-licensing. Plos one, 15(1). Bartling, B., R. A. Weber, and L. Yao (2014): Do markets erode social responsibility?, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(1), 219-266. |
Medienformen | Präsentation, Skript, E-Learning-Materialien, Klassenzimmerexperimente, Online-Experimente |
SWS | 2 |